A Special Blend

Musings of a young, artistic homeowner.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I thought about a PhD in Literature, French or Latin. Almost enrolled in Georgetown's MBA program. Toyed with the idea of studying graphic design. But instead I've been working on a home grown MBA and self-tutored digital illustration. I absolutely love my job in the coffee/service industry, and could hardly ask for a happier life, here fixing up my house, fiddling on my computer, smiling at my customers...Life is good. (Next stop: small business of my own?)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Oregon Ridge Saturday Hike

Last weekend Mark and I went hiking...(well, the term "last weekend" has pretty much expired for this story since its taken me two weeks to finally post).

Our plan was to hike as much as possible this summer and to explore all the neat places in Maryland. We sort of started out our stay here in Maryland as pessimists--just missing "good ole California." But it turns out there are lots of great and beautiful places to be out doors just minutes from Baltimore.

This place is called Oregon Ridge for some reason. Just nearby is also "Oregon Lake," which is the remains of an old iron-ore excavation which has now been filled in with water, grown over with foresty wildlife and prepped on one side with sand, life-guard platforms, snack bars and ticket takers. The "lake" was sort of closed for the season (open season starts after Memorial Day), but the gate was still left open for hikers to pass through on the state park trails. It was pretty, surreal, and very odd. Mark and I stood there looking back and forth in confusion for several minutes before heading out on our hike.

Mark also talked me into entering the small nature center at the beginning of the trail. I tend not to like nature centers because there is often an overwhelming display of taxidermical "art."
Well, this nature center did have one room with stuffed heads on the wall, but they also had the coolest science room that seemed like what I imagine an 8th grade science classroom should look like. There was a live, glassed-in beehive hooked up to the window (I stared at that for quite a long time), and cool snake and toad and turtle displays. It was a very small place and very few people were there, but it was so nice and charming and comfortable. I liked it a lot.

I also really enjoyed our hike.

Look at these crazy, crazy gobs of caterpillars (or worms). I've never seen anything like it!
They were all over this one big tree and a few other trees nearby. There were probably 20 or 30 nests in total.

We also stopped and and ate lunch at this beautiful little pond half way down the trail.
For some reason the only thing I thought to take a picture of here was our dangling feet from where we sat on some rocks. It wasn't the most quiet/relaxing rest stop though. Some hiker and his friend had brought along a beautiful dog that was very smart and well trained. The hiker was a pretty loud guy who was very proud of his dog and kept all pond visitors well informed of the dog's capabilities of fetching a giant stick from the middle of the deep pond over and over and over. The dog was definitely having a good time, though.


Blogger Sarah said...

thoes catepillers are crazy! i didn't know there was such a thing as a catepiller nest.

14/5/06 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the twinning tree. Sounds like it was a great hike

14/5/06 4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! Mark's day pack is a huge guy man!


23/5/06 9:55 AM  
Blogger anne said...

You're a guy man. It's a camera bag and he was being a gentleman and carrying it for me =P

23/5/06 1:40 PM  

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