A Special Blend

Musings of a young, artistic homeowner.

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I thought about a PhD in Literature, French or Latin. Almost enrolled in Georgetown's MBA program. Toyed with the idea of studying graphic design. But instead I've been working on a home grown MBA and self-tutored digital illustration. I absolutely love my job in the coffee/service industry, and could hardly ask for a happier life, here fixing up my house, fiddling on my computer, smiling at my customers...Life is good. (Next stop: small business of my own?)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The House, The House, and more

Everything seems to be coming together for the house. Our closing date is this Friday (26th). We started packing this weekend. Boy are we (am I) excited!

I got to talk to my niece on the phone last night. She was very talkative--that was the first time I had heard her talk so much. I absolutely melted even though the only thing I could understand was "Ya!" in answer to each of my questions.
Her little brother is really growing up, too.

In other news...I'm being eaten alive by mosquitos this weekend. (As some of you know, I swell up like a watermelon with mosquito bites)
Friday: 3 bites--left forearm, right shoulder, right bottom eye lid!!! (that last one didn't look too hot)
Saturday AM: 2 bites--left shin, left ankle (less than a quarter of an inch from a small scab that was trying to heal, but split open when my freakin' ankle swelled up)
Saturday PM: 2 bite--left ankle again!, left hand--right between my thumb and forefinger.

I guess I'm staying inside until winter from now on.